Byzantine Chant
The Orthodox Church has traditionally utilized Byzantine music with its corresponding notation in the context of worship. Western notation has also been adapted for use in worship as well.
Listen here (in Greek):
Listen here (in English):
- O Gladsome Light
- Small Paraklesis Pt. I
- Small Paraklesis Pt. II
- O Lord I Have Cried (Tone 1)
- Open to Me the Gates of Repentance
- To Thee the Champion Leader
- O Pure Virgin
Listen here (in multiple languages):
Services & Notation may be found here:
- Digital Chant Stand (used for our daily services)
- St. Anthony's Divine Music Project
Learn here:
- Byzantine Music Simplified by Fr. Nicholas Kastanas
- St. George Antiochian Cathedral
- A Sacrifice of Praise (Byzantine Chant Tutorial Podcast)
- In Greek