The Philoptochos Society provides Kolyva for 40-day memorials and for any other optional memorials, upon request.

Please call the Church office at 610-374-7511 to schedule and confirm the date of any desired memorial with Fr. Theodore Petrides.
40-day memorials should be scheduled on or before the actual 40 days has passed.

After the date is confirmed, call Lyvia Petris at 484-794-1358 to order kolyva at least two weeks in advance.

The cost is $75.00, payable to "St. Xenia Philoptochos Society", on or before the date of the service.



Families having a memorial service on any Sunday may also sponsor the Fellowship after the Divine Liturgy in memory of their loved one.  If interested, please follow these guidelines:

After confirming the memorial date with the church office and Fr. Theodore Petrides, notify the church office of your desire to sponsor Fellowship and also call Vangie McGowan at 610-779-1402 at least two weeks in advance.

For coffee, pastry, and paper supplies, the fee is $100.

If you choose to bring your own pastry, the fee is $50 for coffee and supplies.

Payment is due on or before the Sunday of the sponsored Fellowship.

Checks are payable to "Sts. Constantine and Helen Church".